(Deutsch) Zuversicht Wege voller Licht und Menschen, die uns begleiten

Bank am Fenster mit Kerzen Confidence – Paths Full of Light and People Who Accompany Us


Confidence – Paths full of light and people who accompany us: Confidence gives us strength – especially in times that challenge us. In my story, it’s about exactly this power: how it drives us to take new paths and how it emerges from a strong sense of togetherness. Resilience – the ability to emerge stronger from challenges – is not only based on ourselves. Often, it’s relationships that help our inner strength grow. Don’t we all need people who listen to us? People with whom we can let go and simply be ourselves?

My story inspires finding confidence and believing that together, we can achieve so much more. I’m firmly convinced of this. Are you too? A story that’s relevant no matter the season.

Look forward to the next part of my “Martha & Alva” series, which shows that together, we can achieve more than we sometimes think.

And now, here’s something special: Together with my friend Amelia from England, we’ve recorded the story on YouTube in both German & English for you. – No time? No problem! Feel free to just listen. Happy reading or listening! 🙂

Confidence – Paths Full of Light and People Who Accompany Us by Bettina Bonkas

Had another year really passed? It was hard to believe how quickly time had flown. Just recently, she had celebrated Christmas with Alva and the others. And now, she was back here—in Bad Homburg. With her.

Martha shook herself, almost automatically. Shake it off! That was her strategy for shaking off stuck thoughts. But today, it just wasn’t working. The sky was gray, and so was her mood.

Alva’s small B&B welcomed her like a safe harbor. Cozy as always, but something was missing—Alva. Her friend was in Scotland with Daniel, and Martha had to get by alone for a few days.

Martha remembered very well when she first came here. Back then, she had just separated from Björn. It had hurt so much. How comforting were the talks with Alva. She had learned so much from this woman. (Glühwein tastes good in Scotland too)

One visit hadn’t been enough. Alva had become an important friend. Once, she had even spent Christmas with her and her partner Daniel on a Scottish island—that had been absolutely magical!

Currently, Alva was in Scotland with Daniel; the two were in a long-distance relationship and saw each other whenever they could. Luckily, they would be back here in a few days. Martha would manage to pass the time until then.

Katze zwischen Weihnachtskarten

Cats always help (dogs too! 😉 )

At least: Antonia, the cat, was there, purring and rubbing against her legs. “You know what, Antonia? Shopping for gifts can wait. First, let’s make ourselves comfortable.” She had learned that from Alva: Tea first. The rest can wait.

Less than 15 minutes later, Martha was sitting in the armchair by the fireplace. Her legs were on a footstool, a blanket kept her warm, and Antonia was purring on her lap. Steam rose from her cup of tea. Oh, if only life could always be so simple.

But then, it would probably be boring. Challenges were part of it. As she reflected on the last few years, she even felt a little proud: what she had learned and accomplished! But one thing was certain—without Alva’s support, she wouldn’t have made it. She had also learned that from her: relationships are what carry us. (Resilience)

This year, however, had been tough. Corona still lingered in Martha’s bones. Then there was the war in Ukraine, and now even the conflict in the Middle East. Trump in 2025, political instability in Germany, a struggling economy—and on top of it all, the looming threat of the climate crisis. To top it off, she was worried about her job. Would there be layoffs?

Another spiral of thoughts. Her confidence was dwindling.

Encounters That Enrich Our Lives

But before she got lost in it, she remembered Alva’s advice: movement helps—especially in nature. (Embodiment)

Ein Weg im Schlosspark von Bad Homburg

It was chilly, but the park was as beautiful as ever. The little bridge, the old trees, the calm pond. At least that remained unchanged. At the end of the park, she saw a pavilion with candles burning. Or were they LED candles?

As she got closer, she recognized a woman. She had a cup in her hand and was gently moving to the music. Catalina.

Catalina radiated joy of life—despite the dreary November weather. Her energy was contagious. She noticed Martha and waved her over.

“Would you like to join me?” she asked with a warm smile.

Martha hesitated for a moment, then followed the invitation.

“Hi, I’m Catalina. Would you like a hot chocolate? I always make a little extra in case someone joins me.”

Soon, the two were deep in conversation.

Eine Tasse Kakao die Zuversicht schenkt

Encounters that enrich our lives

“Where do you get all your energy from? Especially in this weather? I’m so grateful you’re pulling me out of my November blues.”

Catalina laughed. “What’s the alternative? Gray thoughts for gray weather?” Her earrings swayed as she shook her head. “I’d rather go for confidence. I’ve learned that from my nan. She likes to quote Anaïs Nin:

‘We do not see the world as it is, but as we are.’

Martha let the words sink in.

“Your grandmother seems impressive.”

“She is. Full of joy and wisdom. She also says, ‘Create the world as you see fit. And don’t forget to take others with you.'”

“Are there no moments when you’re sad, Catalina?” (Mindset)

“Of course. We’re human, after all. But I draw strength from the relationships I have—family, friends. And moments like this one. That gives me as much as it gives you.”

Martha smiled. “So, you have your people, the ones you recharge with?”

“Exactly. Don’t we all need that?”

“Absolutely.” Martha fell silent, lost in thought.

Catalina wasn’t just inspiring—she was also a photographer and coach. “I love seeing people behind the facade. Sometimes, when I’m coaching, I take photos—before and after. Faces change when we relax. It’s beautiful to see. Especially leaders are often amazed at how different they appear.”

Catalina offered to take a few photos of Martha. When Martha saw the pictures, she was deeply impressed.

“Wow! No one has ever seen me like this. The photos are really strong—thank you so much!”

Catalina smiled. “You know, Martha, I firmly believe that each of us can contribute to a better togetherness. It doesn’t have to be something big. Every contribution counts. As long as it comes from the heart.”

“That wasn’t exactly small what you did for me, Catalina. You took time for me and shared your expertise with me. That means a lot to me.”

Waescheklammer mit Fotos und einem Herz stehen fuer Zuversicht

The New Year Can Come

The reunion with Alva and Daniel was warm. They had much to talk about, and Antonia enjoyed the extra cuddles by the fireplace. This time, they celebrated Christmas together with two of Daniel’s friends from Scotland. And as it goes with Scots—it was full of laughter, dancing, and of course, drinking.

Before Martha left, she met Catalina one last time. Anaïs Nin’s words still echoed in her mind: “We don’t see the world as it is, but as we are.”

Strengthened by the encounter with Catalina, the warmth of Alva and Daniel, and all the inspiring moments, Martha felt ready. The new year could come.

“Let’s roll up our sleeves and see what we can achieve together,” she thought. On paths full of light—and with people who carry us.

Roter Truck mit Weihnachtskugel

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with inspiring encounters – Happy Holidays!

Viele Herzen stehen fuer Zuversicht

Did you enjoy my post? I’d be thrilled if you shared it: classic via email, on social media – anything is welcome. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll receive my posts automatically. 🙂

Are you interested in personal development,

  • but feel a bit overwhelmed and wish for additional or deeper support?
  • or realize that you’re stuck and not making progress on your own?

Some topics are complex and need a more in-depth look. I’d be happy to support you with coaching.

Interested in a free introductory call? I look forward to hearing from you.

All we need it love

Sternenglanz steht fuer All we need is Love

All we need is love: Lately, I’ve been experiencing many people as tired: tired because of too much work. Tired because of personal burdens. Tired after Corona, or currently again because of Corona. Tired due to the terrible wars and bad news that seem to have no end. My firm belief is that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. And ‘Why seek far afield? See, the good is so close.’ (inspired by Goethe). Yes, goodness can also be found in our daily lives. And with the will to shape, we can contribute to it. Perhaps my short story is an inspiration for you to positively transform something in your life. Enjoy: All we need is Love.

Continuation of “Mulled wine tastes good in Scotland”:

All we need is Love by Bettina Bonkas

That was the best news ever: Alva was back.

Continue reading “All we need it love”

(Deutsch) Small Talk auf Englisch im Geschäfts und Privatleben

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Ein Mann mit einem Vogel beide stehen für Small Talk auf Englisch im Geschäfts- und Privatleben Small Talk auf Englisch?

Small Talk ist die Kunst, eine Unterhaltung zu führen, egal ob im Geschäfts- oder Privatleben, ob auf Englisch oder Deutsch. Eine nicht zu unterschätzende Fähigkeit, insbesondere in englisch-sprachigen Ländern. Small Talk schafft eine Grundlage für gute Beziehungen. Und gute Beziehungen stärken uns: im Geschäfts- & Privatleben. In meinem Beitrag “Small Talk auf Englisch im Geschäfts- und Privatleben” findest Du:

  • Small Talk: Kein Problem? Meine Erfahrungen
  • Tipps für herausfordernde Small Talk-Themen
  • Phrases für Small Talk auf Englisch im Geschäfts- & Privatleben
  • Beispiele aus der Praxis
  • Themen für Small Talk in English

Small Talk: Kein Problem? Meine Erfahrungen

Eigentlich ist Small Talk kein Problem für mich. Eigentlich. Ich erinnere mich an zwei Situationen, die ich als herausfordernd empfand.

Continue reading “(Deutsch) Small Talk auf Englisch im Geschäfts und Privatleben”

(Deutsch) Talking about time Englische Zeiten

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Eine Lupe zeigt auf das Wort Grammatik das passt zu Talking about times die englischen Zeiten
Talking about time englische Zeiten

Talking about time – Englische Zeiten

Talking about time – englische Zeiten: Für manche mag ich vielleicht ein bisschen was wie ein weirdo sein, aber ich mag Grammatik 🙂  (im Großen und Ganzen). Sie gibt einer Sprache Struktur. Und beim Erforschen der Grammatik, in dem Fall der englischen Zeiten, erfahre ich auch ein bisschen was über die Leute. Aber dazu später.

Gleich vorab: In dem Blogbeitrag gehe ich auf neun englische Zeiten ein (sorry guys, there are more), allerdings nicht im Detail. Mein Fokus liegt auf den Dingen, womit Englischlernende erfahrungsgemäß Probleme haben.

Darüber hinaus gebe ich Dir ein paar Tipps & Infos mit, die meinen Kunden sehr gut geholfen haben. Und zwei Empfehlungen bekommst Du auch noch mit an die Hand. Dort findest Du alle englischen Zeiten sehr gut erklärt. Damit bist Du gut versorgt und hast ein bisschen was an Material zum Ausprobieren 🙂 . Übrigens auch für Fortgeschrittene sehr interessant.

Fangen wir an mit den:


Continue reading “(Deutsch) Talking about time Englische Zeiten”

(Deutsch) Nicht ganz so perfekt

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Nicht ganz so perfekt: Früher hätte ich dieses Video nicht veröffentlicht. Zu viele Kleinigkeiten mit Verbesserungsbedarf.

Heute sehe ich immer noch den Verbesserungsbedarf, aber darauf lege ich nicht mehr den Fokus. Ich bin vielmehr dankbar, dass mein Sohn sich die Zeit genommen hat, obwohl er mit Klausuren & Abivorbereitungen voll ausgelastet ist.

In meinem Beruf als Trainerin (Englisch, Resilienz) & Coach sehe ich häufig, wie der Wunsch nach Perfektion Menschen verunsichert, ausbremst und sogar ausbrennt, ja und auch davon abhält, ihr Potential zu zeigen. Aus Angst, Fehler zu machen.

Aber so lernen wir: aus unseren Fehlern. Bei meinem Training “Yes, I can!  Englisch frei sprechen” steht in der Beschreibung: Fehlermachen ist unbedingt erlaubt. – Sich & das Leben nicht zu ernst nehmen, stattdessen schauen, was wirklich wichtig ist und wo können wir fünf gerade sein lassen?

Darum habe ich das Video auch so eingestellt: Nicht ganz so perfekt. Ich bin kein Verkaufsprofi. Ich bin Trainerin & Coach: Und das aus vollem Herzen. Die Stärken, das Potential meiner Kunden gemeinsam mit ihnen zum Vorschein zu bringen, das erfüllt mich.

Wenn ich das mit meinem Video herüberbringen konnte, freue ich mich.

Übrigens, wer’s lieber schriftlich mag, hier gibt es ausführliche Informationen zu dem im Video erwähnten Training:-)  Resilienz-Training für Innere Stärke & Gelassenheit

Nicht ganz so perfekt, dafür aber von Herzen kommend. 🙂

Herz mit Stiften nicht ganz so perfekt aber schoen

Anmerkung zum „Du“: Mit dem Du überbrücke ich die Distanz, die zwischen uns, wenn wir uns nicht persönlich kennen, besteht.

(Deutsch) Glühwein schmeckt auch in Schottland


Haeuser in Schottland in denen Gluehwein getrunken wird der lecker schmeckt

Glühwein Tastes Good Anywhere, Including Scotland – This year, I’m sending you my Christmas and New Year’s greeting in the form of a short story. Let yourself be taken into a story about saying goodbye and new beginnings. About the art of turning the stones that are placed in our path into something beautiful. A story that, by the way, is relevant at any time of the year.

Glühwein Tastes Good anywhere, Including Scotland – by Bettina Bonkas

“Another milk coffee?”

Her hostess held out the espresso pot invitingly. Martha was actually completely content, but she just didn’t want to leave Alva and her cozy kitchen yet. Where had she got all these beautiful things from? The little wooden cabinet with the decorations and colorful buttons? The large mirror with the curved metal frame, in which this powerful postcard was stuck, one that she always had to look at:

“What if I fall? – Oh, my darling, what if you fly?”

Holding the large cup in her hands, she let herself be refilled with coffee and milk, and absentmindedly gazed out the window at the snow-dusted rooftops. Smoke was rising from the chimneys, crystals hung on the trees. Christmas lights everywhere, giving the grey day a wonderful glow. What an atmosphere!

Just yesterday, she had been standing on the motorway, stressed, with a stiff back and a headache. She had already regretted, once again, that she had booked this short trip so close to Christmas on a whim. But now she was just glad to be here. It was kind of crazy, but as soon as she had entered Alva’s house, all the tension had fallen away. Alva radiated a soothing calmness and, at the same time, was so full of life.

“Come on, let me show you your room first. When you’re ready, feel free to come up to the kitchen, and I’ll make us some tea.” The welcoming cup of tea was something Martha knew only from England.

She had gladly accepted Alva’s invitation. The best and most relaxing part was that she could simply sit there. Alva seemed to instinctively know that Martha didn’t feel like talking. She just wanted to enjoy this soothing calm that emanated from this woman and her apartment.

On the second evening, Alva handed her pens and paper. “Maybe you’d like to write down what’s on your mind. It’ll help you get it out of your head.”

Martha hesitated at first, then began writing.

About the humiliation, the betrayal of trust, the disappointment, and the anger – her entire emotional turmoil – when she found out that Björn had cheated on her. The time when the deep, almost unbearable pain set in and the awakening awareness of how she had changed over time. She actually wanted to forgive Björn, but in the end, she became more and more suspicious and bitter. She adopted behaviours she never wanted and became more like her mother. She was on the best path to becoming a dissatisfied, mistrustful, and grumbling woman who focused entirely on her job. At least she was doing well there. Very well, in fact. Still, she didn’t want to be such a sourpuss. She was far too young for that. Besides, it showed later in her facial features. No, no, no, she wanted to have a kind, lively face with laugh lines when she was older. But then, how could Björn do this to her?!

Conversations by the Fireplace

“You can’t run away from your inner wounds, Martha.”

They had once again made themselves comfortable in Alva’s living room in front of the fireplace. Both sat in their armchairs, feet propped up on footstools, warmly wrapped in cable-knit blankets. Where had Alva got those from? The room was lit by candles and string lights. Martha stared, almost fixated, at the Christmas pyramid, which spun gracefully, warming her hands on her cup. The evening mulled wine by the fire, which Alva made from an old family recipe, became a beloved tradition.

Glas mit Gluehwein der auch in Schottland schmeckt

“I don’t want to judge whether you should forgive Björn or not. That’s not my place. But when I listen to you, Martha, I hear something deeper. A deeper pain.”

“How did you become the way you are, Alva?”

Alva laughed. “By eventually not being able to stand myself anymore. I had distanced myself more and more from who I was. I was just going through the motions, trying to please everyone, stressed out, and as a result, increasingly irritable and dissatisfied. I know all about forgiveness. Very well, in fact. For my then-husband’s sake, I gave up having children. He didn’t want any. Then he left me for a younger woman and started a family with her. By then, it was too late for me.”

“How awful is that? What an asshole!” Martha was completely outraged.

“Such an agreement always involves two people, Martha. Giving up children was my own decision, even though I made it for Olaf’s sake. I could have chosen not to have children with him.”


“Martha, I made that decision myself. He didn’t force me. It’s easy to fall into the victim role and blame Olaf for everything. Usually, there are two sides to things. It took me a while to realize that. But yes, Olaf hurt me a lot. It really hurt back then.”

“How did you get over it?” Martha was curious.

My Journey to Myself

“It was a longer process during which I got to know myself better. And in the end, that’s what it’s all about, getting to know yourself better, knowing what triggers you. I confronted my fears and insecurities, and I asked myself some really uncomfortable questions. For example: What hurt me most about Olaf’s betrayal? And why? Or: Why am I so embarrassed in front of our friends that Olaf left me? Why do I care so much about what they think of me? And I travelled, I took care of other people’s children, and through that, I learned a lot about the country and its people and also expanded my horizons. I joined theatre groups, acted, and wrote plays. When you travel and act, you learn a lot about yourself. And I also fell in love again. It’s still very new.” Alva smiled.

“Then the breakup with Olaf had a good side for you,” Martha mused, turning her cup of mulled wine in her hands.

Glas mit Gluehwein der auch in Schottland schmeckt

“Let’s say it made me realize that I was on the verge of losing myself. That had been happening before. Olaf probably spared both of us from a long, unhappy marriage where the spouses would eventually just annoy each other.”

“There must be something you can pass on to me, Alva. I feel so calm inside when I’m with you. But I know that will change as soon as I’m back home.”

“What is it that makes you feel calm inside here, Martha?”

“There’s no pressure with you, nothing. You don’t have any expectations of me, like the others do. You don’t expect me to make a decision. You accept me as I am. It’s incredibly soothing.” Martha leaned back and closed her eyes.

“And what about your expectations of yourself?”

“Be strong. Make decisions. Know exactly what I want.”

“And what does it really look like inside you?”

“Totally uncertain. I honestly don’t know what I want right now. Should I forgive Björn or not? But somehow, it doesn’t feel so important right now.”

“And what feels important to you right now, Martha?”

“Why I always want to please everyone. Why is the approval of others so damn important to me?”

“If you find an answer to that, Martha, you can decide from within whether you really want to give Björn and yourself a chance, or if you’ll fall into your usual pattern and fulfill others’ expectations.”

Martha instinctively knew that Alva had touched on a sore spot, one that she needed to look at if she wanted to break the pattern and make free decisions. She would follow Alva’s advice and write down her thoughts. What was moving her and, most importantly, clear her mind. She was taking so much from these conversations.

“My dear, always remember that a happy person will never treat you badly. It was a liberating realization for me when I realized that a person who is content with themselves and their life will treat you with respect, even if they don’t always agree with you. For them, there’s no reason to hurt you. Disrespectful behaviour, on the other hand, comes from people who are unhappy with themselves and their lives and are looking for someone to vent their frustrations on to elevate themselves. Always, always remember: It’s their problem, not yours! And don’t make it yours.”

Alva paused before she went on.

“Life will keep throwing stones in your way, Martha. And you’ll stumble over them again and again. But it’s up to you whether you use them for something meaningful or whether you let them become stumbling blocks. ‘You can build something beautiful from stones that are placed in your path.’ By the way, this quote is often attributed to Goethe, but according to experts, that’s not quite right (dpa fact-check). But it’s still a good one.”

Martha instinctively felt that she would seek out more people who did her good. Just like Alva, though Alva was something truly special. This wouldn’t be her last visit to her. She would continue to visit this special woman to recharge and learn more about herself.

Life is change

It wasn’t surprising, but it was still a shock when Alva one day told her that she would be moving: to Scotland with her boyfriend Daniel. He had fulfilled his big dream and turned his hobby into a profession. He was now playing as a musician in a band, and she would accompany him on his world tours.

Phew, Alva would be missed. Her visits to her cozy apartment, but especially her conversations and her presence. But Martha was now ready. She was innerly strengthened and had already built a small but very fine circle of people who enriched her life. After all, Scotland wasn’t that far away, and there was still Zoom. And actually, it was pretty cool: Now she had a friend in Scotland whom she could visit when she wasn’t traveling herself.

And so, Martha started making plans. This Christmas, she would spend time with Alva & Daniel in a small hotel on a Scottish island: Jenny Colgan – Christmas at the Little Island Hotel – And mulled wine tastes good in Scotland too. (*I’m still reading, but what I’ve read so far, I really like:-)

Isn’t life always about saying goodbye? At the same time, new things come along. Let’s be open, invite the new into our lives, and let it enrich us. – What if I fall? – Oh, my darling, what if you fly?”

Want a continuation? Here’s the link to the next part of my “Martha & Alva” series: All we need is love

Merry Christmas & a healthy and fulfilling New Year!

Der Weihnachtsmann im Schlitten gezogen von Rentieren er findet dass Glühwein auch in Schottland schmeckt

Did you enjoy my post? I’d be thrilled if you shared it: classic via email, on social media – anything is welcome. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll receive my posts automatically. 🙂

Are you interested in personal development,

  • but feel a bit overwhelmed and wish for additional or deeper support?
  • or realize that you’re stuck and not making progress on your own?

Some topics are complex and need a more in-depth look. I’d be happy to support you with coaching.

Interested in a free introductory call? I look forward to hearing from you.

(Deutsch) Nützliche englische Redewendungen

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Nette Gruppe von Menschen die auf Stuehlen sitzen und nuetzliche englische Redewendungen und Woerter benutzen und eine Conversation fuehren

Nützliche englische Redewendungen

Nützliche englische Redewendungen

Heute möchte ich Dir die “Wortschatz Spezial-” Ausgabe vom Spotlight Magazin (12-2022 -> beim Verlag direkt erhältlich) vorstellen mit vielen nützlichen englischen Redewendungen rund um(s)

  • Reisen – Travel
  • Essen – Eating together
  • Einkaufen – Shopping
  • Arbeit – Work
  • Gesundheit – Health
  • Begrüßen & Small Talk – Greetings and small talk
  • Seine Meinung äußern – Opinions

Die Ausgabe ist gegliedert in die o.g. Kategorien und in unterschiedliche Sprachniveaus. Somit kannst Du Dir die Redewendungen heraussuchen, die interessant für Dich sind.

Das Sprachniveau deckt die Stufen A2 | B1-B2 | C1-C2 des Europäischen Referenzrahmens ab: elementare | selbstständige | kompetente Sprachanwendung – für jeden ist etwas dabei. Anm. zum Sprachniveau: Du solltest mind. A2-Niveau haben. Ist ein bisschen herausfordernd, wenn Du gerade auf A2 bist, aber machbar.

Für jedes Sprachniveau etwas dabei

Ich erlebe immer wieder, dass sich Teilnehmer gut in ihrem beruflichen Umfeld ausdrücken können, es ihnen jedoch an praktischen englischen Vokabeln für den Alltag & Small Talk fehlt. Du fühlst Dich angesprochen? Dann könnten insbesondere die Niveaustufen B1-B2 und C1-C2 interessant für Dich sein. Hier geht es deutlich tiefer. Du erhälst z.B. das Vokabular, um über environmental concerns, e.g. “I offset my flights.” (Übersetzung unten bei Travel) oder mangelnde Hygiene zu sprechen – just to give you an idea.

Aber auch für alle anderen ist das Magazin äußerst interessant, denn es deckt verschiedene Niveaustufen ab mit nützlichen englischen Redewendungen.

Lust auf Übungen?

Jede Menge Beispiele, gepaart mit Aufgaben, findest Du in meinem Blogbeitrag. Damit bekommst Du einen Eindruck vom Magazin und Übung macht bekanntlich den Meister:-)

Einen interessanten unterhaltsamen Teil zwischendurch gibt es auch. So ist z.B. eine Einkaufsliste aus dem Jahr 1518 abgebildet.
-> Rate mal von welcher bekannten Person sie erstellt wurde und in welcher Form. (Antwort weiter unten bei Shopping.)

Und nun zum praktischen Teil:-)

Continue reading “(Deutsch) Nützliche englische Redewendungen”

The magic of a good story

The magic of a good story the magic of a good story

The magic of a good story – In conversation with author and communication professional James Schofield

Memories: English & me

The magic of a good story: I remember really well when we had to write a renarration for school. I was in year six with my second year of English. Writing something myself!? In English?? Honestly? NEVER EVER! I felt so nervous that I told my mother that I was ill. I never wrote that test and later, in sixth form, I was glad when I had left middle school with all those grammar exercises behind and I could focus on writing my way. No, English and I, we weren’t the best of friends in middle school. In the meantime things have changed. English and I have become good friends and I like grammar:-)

Well, while I’m already at it: We once had to write a short story for German. I had absolutely no idea what I could write about, so I cheated a bit and borrowed from other stories; I just couldn’t come up with any ideas of my own. Another thing that has changed; today I really enjoy writing short stories and I just love reading, always have. Do you know the feeling: Immersing yourself in other worlds, meeting people you don’t want to leave and leaving reality behind? What a treat!

The magic of a good story – In conversation with author and communication professional James Schofield

This also applies to the Spotlight magazine and the Business Spotlight. I’m always happy to learn new things from different areas but I also really enjoy their short stories. In the June issue of the Business Spotlight I particularly liked the short story by author and communication professional James Schofield: Pitch perfect – the perfect dating software but how can you pitch it successfully to an IT-company? I’ve been reading his stories for years and I find them clever, versatile and entertaining. And, I like the idea that he integrates business vocabulary in often very amusing and also absurd stories which is a treat for our brain which loves it absurd: It’s easier to establish a connection. James Schofield writes the successful Ms Winslow series for the Spotlight magazine which you can get from Amazon. I got into contact with him and he told me about the podcast version of his stories.

But you know what? I thought it’s a lot more interesting when he speaks to you himself:-)

In conversation with James Schoffied

The magic of a good story The magic of a good story

Continue reading “The magic of a good story”

Menschen, die inspirieren – It’s never too late

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Menschen, die inspirieren - It's never too late
Menschen, die inspirieren- It’s never too late

Menschen, die inspirieren – It’s never too late

Wenn ich Magazine/Zeitungen lese, gibt es Artikel, die ich unter “Ja, ganz interessant” verbuche. Dann solche, die mir Neues mitgeben und solche, die meine Denkweise herausfordern – ich mag das. Und dann gibt es Artikel über Menschen, die mich inspirieren. Heute schreibe ich einen Blogbeitrag über genau solche Leute: Menschen, die inspirieren. Menschen, die uns zeigen: It’s never too late. – Something uplifting for the soul.

Was glaubst Du, was die Frau in dem Foto beruflich gemacht hat? (Antwort am Ende des Blogs) In der aktuellen Ausgabe (5-2021) des Spotlight Magazins, einem Magazin für Englischlernende & solche, die an der englischsprachigen Welt interessiert sind, stellen sie drei elderly high achievers vor, drei Menschen, die die Lebensmitte längst überschritten haben und noch einmal etwas ganz Neues wagten.

Menschen, die inspirieren - It's never too late

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