Bettina helped me in a difficult time. I was stuck and didn’t know where to go. She coached me (resilience coaching) and helped me find clarity, “What is it I really want?” and structure my life. I am a bit of a scaredy cat, can’t help it.
(English) Find time for myself
“I want to thank you for helping me find time for myself and for helping me discover what I really want out of life. You have been so patient and understanding, and have put up with many indecisions, encouraging me, and getting me past that many doubts I had.
(English) Encouragement and support
“Bettina is a wonderful coach. She has been a great source of encouragement and support. With her gentle and intuitive guidance, she helped me to identity my strengths, change perspective, clarify my values and focus an what really matters.
(English) Trouble moving forward
“I was frustrated and having trouble moving forward towards some of my goals. Bettina was able to get me to question some of the fears and anxities I had about these goals.
(English) Tremendous enthusiasm
”Bettina has tremendous enthusiasm for the coaching process. She is a positive, generous, and encouring coach who helped me to celebrate progress and realize I was making positive, lasting changes in my life.”
Christine, Lecturer, PhD candiate, Mom, Netherlands
(English) Walking beside me
“For 5 months Bettina has been walking beside me as my coach …
I’ve talked to her about everything – from what motivates people, how to deal with hurt feelings, how to reach balance in your life, how to think about things from a different perspective, how to let other people be like they are.
Inspirierende Gedanken zu Führung
In der aktuellen Business Spotlight 4-19 habe ich in dem Artikel „Right or Wrong?“ aus der Serie „Leadership“ etwas gelesen, das ich gerne mit euch teilen möchte.
Mai 2019: Inspirational thoughts – inspirierende Gedanken
Ich lese sehr gerne und ich lese sehr viel. Ich finde, Teil meines Job ist es, meinen Teilnehmern Inspirationen mitzugeben.
In der aktuellen Business Spotlight 4-19 habe ich in dem Artikel „Right or Wrong?“ aus der Serie „Leadership“ etwas gelesen, das ich gerne mit euch teilen möchte.
Es ist aus einem Interview mit Lukas Stricker, einem Senior Consultant bei Argo & Partner in Zürich. Er wurde gefragt, welchen Rat, bezüglich Führung und Ethik, er jemanden mit auf dem Weg geben würde, der in einem globalen Unternehmen arbeitet.
Hier ist seine Antwort.
„Stay reflective, which is a tricky* thing these days, because of this mania to be busy. And secondly, don’t surround* yourself with people who are like you*, or people who like you. Have people around you who make your life difficult, who don’t agree with you, who challenge* your definition of right and wrong.“ (Lukas Stricker)
tricky = schwierig
surround = umgeben
like you = wie du
challenge = herausfordern
That’s really powerful and certainly not always easy. When people challenge you, ask yourself why they challenge you. It tells you a lot about yourself. And it helps you find out what you stand for and defend* what you stand for.
I’ve been doing it myself for a longer time and it’s helped me a lot to become more relaxed – the better your know yourself, the more relaxed you are. Being reflective will help you connect to yourself.
defend = verteidigen
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Ihr findet dort noch weitere interessante Artikel, z.B. zu AI (artificial intelligence*) – ein spannender Krimi zu diesem Thema lag zu Weihnachten auf dem Gabentisch für meinen Mann. Das war ein Buchtipp aus der Business Spotlight, mein Mann liest den Krimi jetzt mit Begeisterung:-).
*AI = künstliche Intelligenz